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Growth and Yield Response of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Rhizobial and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungal Inoculations in the Western Highlands of Cameroon

Published in Plant (Volume 10, Issue 3)
Received: 21 June 2022     Accepted: 7 July 2022     Published: 4 August 2022
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This study sort to investigate the effect of rhizobial and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on the growth, yield and nutritional quality of groundnut. A field experiment conducted in a split-plot design was used to determine the effect of rhizobia, AMF, co-inoculation of rhizobia and AMF on the growth and yield of two groundnut genotypes of the subsp. hypogaea (village/Virginia) and subsp. fastigiata (Garoua/Fastigiata). Inoculations and a control treatment were repeated three times and groundnut seeds were inoculated before sowing. Results showed improved growth of inoculated plants compared to non-inoculated. 60 days after planting (DAP), the highest plant height (13.67cm) was recorded for the village type inoculated with AMF and 12.18cm for the Garoua type inoculated with combined rhizobium and AMF compared to the control (12.40 and 10.63cm respectively). The number of leaves plant-1 was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in inoculated plants than non-inoculated plants for both varieties at 60 DAP. A similar trend was observed for dry aboveground biomass with the village type (213.88g) significantly (p < 0.05) higher than the Garoua type (90.40g). The village type was significantly more productive (51 pods plant-1) than the Garoua type (7 pods plant-1) for the most productive treatment (AMF inoculation). The Garoua type produced more nodules (264) especially in mycorrhizal and co-inoculation than the village type (213). Yield obtained from the village type (5.3 t ha-1 for AMF inoculation) was significantly higher than yield obtained from the Garoua type. Total sugar and lipid content of grains were higher in inoculated plants and was significantly higher for the Garoua type 6.14% and 43.14%, respectively) than the village type. This study showed that inoculation of groundnut with rhizobia and AMF had a positive impact on the growth, nodulation, yield and nutritional quality of peanuts.

Published in Plant (Volume 10, Issue 3)
DOI 10.11648/j.plant.20221003.11
Page(s) 69-75
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2022. Published by Science Publishing Group


Groundnut, Rhizobium, AMF, Inoculation, Growth, Yield, Quality

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  • APA Style

    Asafor Henry Chotangui, Kladjim Ndingadal Hachim, Souleymanou Adamou, Marie Solange Mandou, Meka Sindje Solange, et al. (2022). Growth and Yield Response of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Rhizobial and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungal Inoculations in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Plant, 10(3), 69-75. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.plant.20221003.11

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    ACS Style

    Asafor Henry Chotangui; Kladjim Ndingadal Hachim; Souleymanou Adamou; Marie Solange Mandou; Meka Sindje Solange, et al. Growth and Yield Response of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Rhizobial and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungal Inoculations in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Plant. 2022, 10(3), 69-75. doi: 10.11648/j.plant.20221003.11

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    AMA Style

    Asafor Henry Chotangui, Kladjim Ndingadal Hachim, Souleymanou Adamou, Marie Solange Mandou, Meka Sindje Solange, et al. Growth and Yield Response of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Rhizobial and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungal Inoculations in the Western Highlands of Cameroon. Plant. 2022;10(3):69-75. doi: 10.11648/j.plant.20221003.11

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  • @article{10.11648/j.plant.20221003.11,
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      title = {Growth and Yield Response of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Rhizobial and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungal Inoculations in the Western Highlands of Cameroon},
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      abstract = {This study sort to investigate the effect of rhizobial and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on the growth, yield and nutritional quality of groundnut. A field experiment conducted in a split-plot design was used to determine the effect of rhizobia, AMF, co-inoculation of rhizobia and AMF on the growth and yield of two groundnut genotypes of the subsp. hypogaea (village/Virginia) and subsp. fastigiata (Garoua/Fastigiata). Inoculations and a control treatment were repeated three times and groundnut seeds were inoculated before sowing. Results showed improved growth of inoculated plants compared to non-inoculated. 60 days after planting (DAP), the highest plant height (13.67cm) was recorded for the village type inoculated with AMF and 12.18cm for the Garoua type inoculated with combined rhizobium and AMF compared to the control (12.40 and 10.63cm respectively). The number of leaves plant-1 was significantly (p -1) than the Garoua type (7 pods plant-1) for the most productive treatment (AMF inoculation). The Garoua type produced more nodules (264) especially in mycorrhizal and co-inoculation than the village type (213). Yield obtained from the village type (5.3 t ha-1 for AMF inoculation) was significantly higher than yield obtained from the Garoua type. Total sugar and lipid content of grains were higher in inoculated plants and was significantly higher for the Garoua type 6.14% and 43.14%, respectively) than the village type. This study showed that inoculation of groundnut with rhizobia and AMF had a positive impact on the growth, nodulation, yield and nutritional quality of peanuts.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Growth and Yield Response of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) to Rhizobial and Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungal Inoculations in the Western Highlands of Cameroon
    AU  - Asafor Henry Chotangui
    AU  - Kladjim Ndingadal Hachim
    AU  - Souleymanou Adamou
    AU  - Marie Solange Mandou
    AU  - Meka Sindje Solange
    AU  - Honore Beyegue-Djonko
    AU  - Beranger Raoul Tamkeng Assonfack
    AU  - Eric Bertrand Kouam
    AU  - Christopher Mubeteneh Tankou
    Y1  - 2022/08/04
    PY  - 2022
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.plant.20221003.11
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    PB  - Science Publishing Group
    SN  - 2331-0677
    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.plant.20221003.11
    AB  - This study sort to investigate the effect of rhizobial and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on the growth, yield and nutritional quality of groundnut. A field experiment conducted in a split-plot design was used to determine the effect of rhizobia, AMF, co-inoculation of rhizobia and AMF on the growth and yield of two groundnut genotypes of the subsp. hypogaea (village/Virginia) and subsp. fastigiata (Garoua/Fastigiata). Inoculations and a control treatment were repeated three times and groundnut seeds were inoculated before sowing. Results showed improved growth of inoculated plants compared to non-inoculated. 60 days after planting (DAP), the highest plant height (13.67cm) was recorded for the village type inoculated with AMF and 12.18cm for the Garoua type inoculated with combined rhizobium and AMF compared to the control (12.40 and 10.63cm respectively). The number of leaves plant-1 was significantly (p -1) than the Garoua type (7 pods plant-1) for the most productive treatment (AMF inoculation). The Garoua type produced more nodules (264) especially in mycorrhizal and co-inoculation than the village type (213). Yield obtained from the village type (5.3 t ha-1 for AMF inoculation) was significantly higher than yield obtained from the Garoua type. Total sugar and lipid content of grains were higher in inoculated plants and was significantly higher for the Garoua type 6.14% and 43.14%, respectively) than the village type. This study showed that inoculation of groundnut with rhizobia and AMF had a positive impact on the growth, nodulation, yield and nutritional quality of peanuts.
    VL  - 10
    IS  - 3
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Genetics, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Plant Physiology Research Unit, Department of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

  • Genetics, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Plant Physiology Research Unit, Department of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

  • Genetics, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Plant Physiology Research Unit, Department of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

  • Genetics, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Plant Physiology Research Unit, Department of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

  • Multipurpose Sation, Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD), Dschang, Cameroon

  • Genetics, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Plant Physiology Research Unit, Department of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

  • Genetics, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Plant Physiology Research Unit, Department of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

  • Genetics, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Plant Physiology Research Unit, Department of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

  • Genetics, Biotechnology, Agriculture and Plant Physiology Research Unit, Department of Crop Sciences, Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon

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